Monday, December 8, 2014

I need a qualifying marathon to submit to the Boston Athletic Association, that is far out enough in time to allow me to train and get lean enough to have a reasonable shot at 3:10.  Although the idea of a destination marathon sounds appealing it's also expensive and unreasonable with a 2 year old and infant.  Florida marathons at the end of the summer are scarce so I'm down to Apalachicola and Key West.  I choose Key West.  One of the hardest things to overcome in a marathon is boredom.  Boredom and loneliness can overcome you if your not with a group or a buddy and I just don't see getting bored in Key West......that place is a freak show.  The Key West Marathon is held this year on October 11th so if I don't quite hit 3:10 I can find another race in time to qualify in my 30's.  I'm not sure what I'm looking forward to more, running the race of my life or taking my daughter Eloise for a ride on a scooter :)  She'll be 2 by then and I can already see her toothy little grin, waving to passers by like she's a princess in a parade.

As far as training goes I made it to the gym for a half hour yesterday dressed like an Easter egg in golf attire for an entire half hour!! I know... I suck.  I rode the bike for a bit and hit the treadmill for 20 minutes on 5.  My heart rate was around 155 after my stint on the treadmill, indicating I have a lot of work to do.  I also have to get some new sneaks and shorts in a hurry. ships free and pays for returns as well so I'll do that tonight.  My family descended on Sports Authority to reek havoc and see if deals were to be had today but the prices seem to suck, they don't even carry Brooks, and if I wanted to spend money there I'd do it online through Dubli and get 8% cash back anyhow.


1 comment:

  1. This magnicent feast represents the last of the petty cash
